Corporate Wellness Program
Massage, Nutritionist, Chiropractors, Counselors
Discover why MBN's Wellness Program stands alone in being the very best!. We have the pleasure of collaborating with some of the area's best professionals to bring you a wellness program that takes care of your full health. As team MBN, we believe optimal health is not achieved without treating both your Mind and Body. Take advantage of our full array of program services or pick and choose which one works best for your company or organization.
Massage? At work? YES it really works!! We have designed customized chair/table massage programs exclusively for the workplace. That means all we need is a quiet room on-site. While clients are fully clothed, we offer 10, 15, or 20 minute increments to fit within standard break and lunch times. We schedule all appointments with a small break in between clients, ensuring a smooth transition. We work quietly and efficiently to avoid any interruption to the office workflow. Our therapist massages the client's upper body, including the head, neck, shoulders, back, arms and hands. Employees experience an immediate and lasting sense of physical and mental well-being.
Certified Nutritionist (Lecture/Workshop)
Live Well! Work Well! Eating the right food in the right quantity not only makes you feel fantastic it can reduce your risk for conditions such as heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, strokes and osteoporosis. Let us customize the perfect workshop for your employees
Chiropractic Care (Lecture/Workshop/Screenings)
Massage and chiropractic care goes hand and hand. Our main Studio is housed within a rehab facility that truly believes in our philosophy. While on site our team of Chiropractors can provide workshop and lectures on preventing on the job injuries as well as screenings alerting you of current or future injuries.
Counseling Services (Lecture/Workshops)
The truth is as adults balancing your work and personal life can be stressful and overwhelming at times. What if by just providing a short lecture or workshop to your employees periodically, could ease the burden of what life can bring? Think about what it says about your company or organization by providing this type of service on the job. Our team of professionals are here to help.
"Eighty-Four percent of workers feel stress on the job. Globally, three out of five doctor visits are for stress" (Watson/Wyatt and the National group on Health, January 2008) Studies have shown that the annual cost of lost productivity related to stress and job dissatisfaction can be as high as $2,500 per employee. Bottom line, progressive companies know that taking care of business includes taking care of their employees' health.
Call Us To Get Your Business Started Today! (912) 208-4600